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Labour tea

Are you or someone you know PREGNANT? Ever thought of using RASPBERRYΒ LEAF tea to facilitate labour? Want to learn more?

Raspberry leaf preparations have been used since ancient times to prepare the uterusΒ for birth in an attempt to facilitate a complication free labour. Β Β It’s traditionally taken as a partus preparatory to prepare the uterus for delivery and toΒ facilitate labour. Β It doesn’t induce labor but increases the strength and amplitude of contractions. Β It helps to bring the uterus down quickly therefore reducing the risk of infection. Β Research suggests that Raspberry leaf may increase the regularity and decrease theΒ frequency of uterine contractions. Β Other studies have shown it to shorten the second stage of labour and; Β Reduce the likelihood of preterm and posterm labour. Most women who take raspberryΒ leaf tea go into labour on or before their due date.

Raspberry leaf can also help with the production and maintenance of breast milk

Avoid taking it in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It may reduce the absorption of some vitamins and minerals so it’s very important toΒ consult your naturopath before taking this tea.

Raspberry leaf tea should be started in your second trimester (around 20 weeks) andΒ the dosage increased until 1 week post partum.

As much as you are tempted to start taking Raspberry leaf atΒ 39Β weeksΒ when you have kankles, are peeing every 5 minutes, can’t sleep and feel like a beached wale.Β  TakingΒ it a week beforeΒ you are due doesn’t have any effect. Research has indicated it needs to be graduallyΒ increased well before your due date.Β  So make sure you start drinking in your second trimester.

Start drinking 1 cup (500 mg) per day at 20/40 weeks and increase every few weeksΒ until drinking 4 cups per day. Continue drinking 4 cups until 1 week after delivery
An example of this is;
20/40-25/40 – 1 cup (500mg/d)
25/40 to 30/40 – 2 cups (2x500mg)
30/40 to 34/40 – 3 cups (3x500mg)
34/40 to delivery – 4 cups (4x500mg)
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at
Labour tea is now available on our websiteΒ
Good luck πŸ™‚
written by Melissa Khonsavang
BHSc – Naturopathy
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